

Like many of us around the world, I’m watching President elect Trumps press conference. Am I the only one staggering over the idealism in play? Apparently not: this news conference is being held in part over stock market fluctuations related to some of his comments. I’m not ready to speak to what I’m hearing point by point, but I stand by the insight and measured appraisal of my fellow citizens that this man may prove to be the best choice for America and the global economy right now.

It’s an exciting time for me, to be starting a new semester-quarter working toward my paralegal with Trump heading into office. I’ve had and continue to have, personal baggage that is worthy of grief, bitterness and THERAPY. I’m almost confused by the combination of reality and motivation Trump seems to clarify for me, simply by being HIMSELF. I realize that many people around the world find him to be out of sync with his fellow human beings. The degree of his deviations from what many DO CALL idealism, obscures difference about natural philosophy and definitions of idealism generally. Folks, this is THE BIG STUFF…My eyes truly are wide as flying saucers and I’ve not felt so comfortable IN HISTORY as I do now. I’ve been uncomfortable for OVER TEN YEARS. I’m not comfortable now but I’m a bit more comfortable than I’ve been which is an improvement. Wiggle Room! 

I am holding back an opinion for the interim about idealism. Here’s why: For any conscious actor, any individual, seeking to erect universal standards applicable for human beings IN ADDITION TOO oneself, dualism is the most insidious counterpoint. Dualism itself includes double standards by default. At LEAST TWO SETS OF BOOKS: AXIOLOGY.

Since I’m my first and only student, this is MY QUESTION: At what point is AXIOLOGY REFLEXIVE? My question for others, is at what point, does the question two paragraphs above depart FROM “Both-And” and become an equivocation fallacy that creates a separate “peace,” politely speaking?

Ideology is suspected of solipsism around the world logically. Given this, what am I, what are we, how are YOU DEAR READER, categorizing and allocating VALUE?

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