
WTF? “Mother! Must you always have a needle in hand?”


I saw the new Allied trailer last night and immediately, I thought of Ralph Fiennes.


Who is “channeling” whom? I loved The English Patient folks. Still do.


I also can still quote the screenplay for Interview with the Vampire.

Something is sketchy film goers, let us all ponder.

Where is Ralph, as his brother asked in Shakespeare in Love some 16 sweet years ago?


Do I detect a wee bit of Marxism from Aristocratic quarters with Dear Tilda Swintons return from Narnia?


We, I at least, did get thrown by Baby Joseph’s descent into cable television as Merlin. A witty choice but we all knew better didn’t we?


I can’t explain why the sight of Pitt in Allied and a creepy line uttered by his co-star struck me in some strange way.

I want to say be careful for some reason myth makers, ideologues and gossips. And I’m taking my own advice and turning off my TV for the time being.

I don’t even feel comfortable playing cards but I just recalled that Robert Jordan penned a character that had a thing about Dice. I don’t play and certainly not for money. But I bought a set from Brian Vessel Cargo.

Captain Jack Sparrow?


or Captain Harkness?


Nope. Not today. No.

Winchester folks….


I have a nephew who will have his drivers permit next year and while he does remain his mommy’s problem – he is not yet old enough to use Aunt Heidi’s LIBRARY.


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