
The Edge Challenge 2017: What scientific concepts deserve to be more widely known?

"When I am ready to write The End of History and The Last Woman" I WILL. AND NOT BEFORE.

Academia, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Art, Conspiracy Theory, Criticism, Critique, Deconstruction, dysfunctional relationships, Education, Existentialism, Health and Healing, Health and Wellness, Hypocrisy, Logical Fallacies, Modernism, Paradigm Shift, Partisan Politics, Postmodernism, Religion, Sociology, Spirituality, Thomas Kuhn

Of Paradigm Shifts, Logical Fallacies and Process Philosophy

Step One "We admitted we were powerless over the New Age—that our Higher Selves had turned us into flakes." Step Two "Came to believe that a powerful bullshit detector could restore us to sanity." Step Three "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of our lower selves and… Continue reading Of Paradigm Shifts, Logical Fallacies and Process Philosophy