
Flashback 2015: Apothecanna’s THC infused Spa products

Where there's smoke there is fire and the cannabis cloud over Colorado appears to be lingering like smog on a otherwise clear day. Cannabis proponent Apothecanna has positioned itself beyond the pale, as an adjunct measure in pain management and only time will tell if they can remain straight enough to keep their wellness branding intact. I wrote… Continue reading Flashback 2015: Apothecanna’s THC infused Spa products


A Reason For Faith: History, Historiography and The Enlightenment

I am somewhat beside myself having found the above book by Laura Harris Hales. History has long been touted as having a "redemptive" quality. It's often the immediacy of our everyday lives that allows such a view point to flower long after we've turned out the lights at bedtime. The book A Reason for Faith,… Continue reading A Reason For Faith: History, Historiography and The Enlightenment


The limits of militant modernism: Satanism 2016

http://youtu.be/0r7mb4kj88w Is Satanism more than human or just a modern day "Tartar Yoke"? The video above was filmed 2015 in Lansing Michigan on the steps of the State Capitol. I almost think I've seen it elsewhere and prior to 2015. I've never been in interested in Satanism or it's history. The history of domestic propaganda… Continue reading The limits of militant modernism: Satanism 2016


Family Values? Judge lets child rapist walk free

Family Values? Judge lets child rapist walk free after sodomizing boy. Claims the rapist didn't mean to hurt anyone. At least he didn’t quibble about the ethics of which kind of sexual assault is more acceptable, lest religion and syncretism conflict with modernism. As if healthcare and law are BOTH as “ignorant” as the “public.”… Continue reading Family Values? Judge lets child rapist walk free

Academia, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Art, Conspiracy Theory, Criticism, Critique, Deconstruction, dysfunctional relationships, Education, Existentialism, Health and Healing, Health and Wellness, Hypocrisy, Logical Fallacies, Modernism, Paradigm Shift, Partisan Politics, Postmodernism, Religion, Sociology, Spirituality, Thomas Kuhn

Of Paradigm Shifts, Logical Fallacies and Process Philosophy

Step One "We admitted we were powerless over the New Age—that our Higher Selves had turned us into flakes." Step Two "Came to believe that a powerful bullshit detector could restore us to sanity." Step Three "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of our lower selves and… Continue reading Of Paradigm Shifts, Logical Fallacies and Process Philosophy

Articles, Health and Wellness, Massage, Philosophy, Psychology, Relationships, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars, Spa, Spa Evidence, Uncategorized, Wellness

Boredom: What is it and how should we respond?

What is Boredom? Why would anyone other than someone who is bored be interested about the topic? Why write about it unless your creating solutions to a problem? Could boredom ever be healthy? Boredom is a feeling first and foremost. It lies at the root of many illnesses, so many in fact, that the modern… Continue reading Boredom: What is it and how should we respond?

Articles, Education, Energy, Energy Medicine, Health and Wellness, Massage Education, Psychology, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars

NCB and FSMTB: The Muddy Water Remains?

I recently saw this article posted about a meeting of the minds between the NCB and the FSMTB. Meanwhile, comments continue to arise from various quarters across the country and abroad about what has been described as a lack of clarity. The following statement from the NCB illustrates the lack of clarity I have heard expressed:… Continue reading NCB and FSMTB: The Muddy Water Remains?


Hagar and Ishamel: God sees me

I remember reading a secular feminists book on evangelical religion in 2001. Having grown up immersed in it, it made me laugh, especially since I had grown away and out of it. Since having been unceremoniously dumped into the ranks of the homeless on the 22nd of October 2014, I have not seen and been… Continue reading Hagar and Ishamel: God sees me

Articles, Beauty, Education, Health and Wellness, Massage, Musings, News, Philosophy, Politics, Rambliings, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars, Spa, Syncretism

Untangling the story behind the Doomsday Christian Cult that created a Massage Business to hide their activities

The Spa Industry and all of us associated with it, remind ourselves and the public that our brand of holistic thought is about the philosophy of medicine wherein all aspects of people’s needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole. Science and Technology are what keeps Modernism within the… Continue reading Untangling the story behind the Doomsday Christian Cult that created a Massage Business to hide their activities