
Socialist Realism: Examining the corpus of Body Vibes wellness claims

Have you heard of Body Vibes? Metaphysical and religious speculation aside of course. The words are somewhat counter to the prevalent drum beat of Trump Russia I know but I found Body Vibes website and their wellness products after a blurb on Gwen Paltrow over at CNN. Then the “REAL scandal” broke around 8:30 p.m.… Continue reading Socialist Realism: Examining the corpus of Body Vibes wellness claims

Love, Musings, Poetry, Psychology, Relationship, Relationships, Uncategorized, understatement

Siren Afire Reblog

  Suppplement by Amoret BriarRose You’re busy telling me about calcium phosphorus and calcium carbonate, how one will fill in spongy bones, making them brittle, canceling out the little spaces that give and bend. I watch your hands, how they flick over your coffee cup. Tomorrow, we will fight, and I will thank the gods, the… Continue reading Siren Afire Reblog

Articles, Health and Wellness, Massage, Massage Education, Musings, Philosophy, Psychology

Ambivalence on Valentine’s Day: Par for the course or a solipsistic excuse?

“To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be happy, one must love… Continue reading Ambivalence on Valentine’s Day: Par for the course or a solipsistic excuse?

Art, Articles, Beauty, design, Environmentalism, Health and Wellness, Massage, Musings, Philosophy, Spa, Wellness

Clearing the air: scent and spa

The human sense of smell is profound. Not that long ago, the olfactory system was subject to a very different cornacoupia than we have available to us today. We are bombarded with scent, be it thru perfumes in our toiletries, in our home cleaning products, while we window shop in stores or boutiques and even… Continue reading Clearing the air: scent and spa

Art, Articles, Beauty, Cosmetics, design, Education, Essential Oils, Health and Wellness, Inspiration, Literature, Musings, News, Philosophy, Politics, Rambliings, sex roles, Spa, Spa Evidence, Uncategorized

My own Radio Show?

  Wow! I was approached earlier this month about hosting a radio show based around my Professional blog, Borderlands of Health and Wellness and possibly a smaller role for this blog on Spa! I am flattered to be honest and I would love to give it a try for at least a season to see… Continue reading My own Radio Show?

Articles, Drama, Education, gender, Health and Wellness, Massage, Musings, News, sex, sex roles, Spa

Crowd Source Promotes Prostitution over a 14.7 Billion Dollar Spa Industry

Writers and Professional LMT's take note! I recently submitted a 200 word answer to a basic question in what I thought was a delicate and discreet way given that what CrowdSource asked for was worded in a way I found suspect as a Professional for both the taxonomy and language used to phrase the question.… Continue reading Crowd Source Promotes Prostitution over a 14.7 Billion Dollar Spa Industry

Art, Articles, Beauty, design, Drama, Education, Health and Wellness, Inspiration, Legislation, Literature, Massage, Musings, News

“We don’t need to control him, we need to unleash him.” – Advisors to Agamemmnon in TROY

I recently had the misfortune to have a public argument over what academics call nit picking with a sacred cow of the Massage community. This is a snippet from the middle of a discussion that began in a professional group for massage educators on Facebook, followed recommendations to contacting industry authorities for more information and… Continue reading “We don’t need to control him, we need to unleash him.” – Advisors to Agamemmnon in TROY

Art, Articles, gender, Health and Wellness, Musings, Pagan, Philosophy, Politics, sex, sex roles

Public Scandals, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Sexual Abuse, Art and Western religious traditions

I found the article below on researcher Jason Colavito's web site and thought it may be valuable to those who may question the actions Marion Zimmer Bradley has not only been accused of, but also the actions she failed to take a definitive stance against publically in her deposition about her husbands conviction for the identical charges.  I made the following comment on Jason's site… Continue reading Public Scandals, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Sexual Abuse, Art and Western religious traditions