Academia, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Art, Axiology, Body Image, Collectivism, Criticism, Critique, Deconstruction, Education, Eugenics, gender, Health and Healing, Health and Wellness, Hypocrisy, Individualism, Inspiration, Language, Literature, Logical Fallacies, Massage, Massage Education, Modernism, News, Paradigm Shift, Partisan Politics, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Postmodernism, Professional Development, Professional Development for Massage Therapists, Professional Development for Spa Therapists, Professionalism, Psychology, Semiotics, Spa, Spa Evidence, Style, Syncretism, Wellness

Announcing Fruits, Nuts and Flakes: Massage and Bodywork Edition

Announcing Fruits, Nuts and Flakes: Massage and Bodywork Edition I have launched a kickstarter project to promote what I hope will be a welcome edition to massage publishing and education. I plan on it appealing to friends and foes of complimentary and alternative medicine and education, science and modernism. Please share your thoughts! I hope… Continue reading Announcing Fruits, Nuts and Flakes: Massage and Bodywork Edition

Academia, Aesthetics, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Axiology, Beauty, Body Care, Body Image, Conspiracy Theory, Cosmetics, Criticism, Critique, Drama, Education, Esthetics, Eugenics, gender, Health and Healing, Health and Wellness, Hypocrisy, Language, Massage, Massage Education, Modernism, Partisan Politics, Philosophy, Politics, Postmodernism, Professional Development, Professional Development for Spa Therapists, Professionalism, Psychology, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars, Semiotics, sex, Sociology, Spa Evidence, Wellness

The Vampire Facial: An assault on science or simple race baiting?

Back in 2013, Kim Kardashian tried the newest trend in esthetics, or so it may have seemed. The Vampire Facial. The Spa world responded discreetly and quickly renamed the procedure "microneedling." Count on MTV to showcase this attempt at cultural stereotyping and shoddy science. 19 year old teen bathes in pigs blood to retain her 'youth'… Continue reading The Vampire Facial: An assault on science or simple race baiting?

Art, Articles, Beauty, Cosmetics, design, Education, Essential Oils, Health and Wellness, Inspiration, Literature, Musings, News, Philosophy, Politics, Rambliings, sex roles, Spa, Spa Evidence, Uncategorized

My own Radio Show?

  Wow! I was approached earlier this month about hosting a radio show based around my Professional blog, Borderlands of Health and Wellness and possibly a smaller role for this blog on Spa! I am flattered to be honest and I would love to give it a try for at least a season to see… Continue reading My own Radio Show?

Art, Articles, gender, Health and Wellness, Musings, Pagan, Philosophy, Politics, sex, sex roles

Public Scandals, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Sexual Abuse, Art and Western religious traditions

I found the article below on researcher Jason Colavito's web site and thought it may be valuable to those who may question the actions Marion Zimmer Bradley has not only been accused of, but also the actions she failed to take a definitive stance against publically in her deposition about her husbands conviction for the identical charges.  I made the following comment on Jason's site… Continue reading Public Scandals, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Sexual Abuse, Art and Western religious traditions

Articles, Education, Health and Wellness, Legislation, Musings, News, Philosophy, Politics, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars

Silence and what may be an unjustified abuse of the idea of Health, Wellness and Patient Centered Care

It is my understanding that part of what ObamaCare is intended to accomplish DUE TO THE FACT that PRIVATE INDUSTRY has not already done so or created an alternative, is to create a national database of health information.At the moment, no such system exists. I will accept the need and value of this RUMOR when… Continue reading Silence and what may be an unjustified abuse of the idea of Health, Wellness and Patient Centered Care

Education, Environmentalism, Health and Wellness, Inspiration, Musings, News, Politics, Rambliings, Uncategorized

Peace Corp Application Update

"AshleyThank you for completing your application to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Your next step is to tell us what you would like to do in the Peace Corps. You are welcome to apply for any country of service where we can support your medical needs, and based on your Health History Form, you… Continue reading Peace Corp Application Update

Articles, Education, gender, Health and Wellness, Legislation, Musings, News, Pagan, Philosophy, Politics, Rambliings, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars, sex, sex roles, Uncategorized

Marion Zimmer Bradley Accused of Child Molestation and Rape Posthumously

Marion Zimmer Bradley's daughter has posthumously accused her mother of sexually abusing her between the ages of 3 and 12. I had no idea that Marion Zimmer Bradley's former husband had been tried and convicted of child abuse, rape and child sexual molestation while she was alive. I also had no idea that Zimmer's daughter… Continue reading Marion Zimmer Bradley Accused of Child Molestation and Rape Posthumously

Articles, Beauty, Cosmetics, Education, Environmentalism, Health and Wellness, Legislation, Musings, News, Politics

Push to ban microbeads from cosmetics gets a second wind

What are Microbeads? Without getting deep into the science behind their creation, microbeads are uniform polymer particles, typically 0.5 to 500 micrometres in diameter. Bio-reactive molecules can be adsorbed or coupled to their surface, and used to separate biological materials such as cells, proteins, or nucleic acids. What this means is that microbeads could be… Continue reading Push to ban microbeads from cosmetics gets a second wind

Art, Articles, Beauty, Education, Fashion, Health and Wellness, Inspiration, Massage, Musings, News, Philosophy, Politics, Spa, Uncategorized

Welcome Saxon-Heart: Spa and Wellness Charitable Organization!

    Saxon-Heart is a Charity based out of New York, NY. I took a few moments to ask some basic questions of their founder Heidi Burkhardt. You have partnered with ISPA. I noticed that Chef Pedro received a new suit as part of his makeover. How does this element of fashion relate to the… Continue reading Welcome Saxon-Heart: Spa and Wellness Charitable Organization!

Articles, Beauty, Education, Health and Wellness, Massage, Musings, News, Philosophy, Politics, Rambliings, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars, Spa, Syncretism

Untangling the story behind the Doomsday Christian Cult that created a Massage Business to hide their activities

The Spa Industry and all of us associated with it, remind ourselves and the public that our brand of holistic thought is about the philosophy of medicine wherein all aspects of people’s needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole. Science and Technology are what keeps Modernism within the… Continue reading Untangling the story behind the Doomsday Christian Cult that created a Massage Business to hide their activities