
Socialist Realism: Examining the corpus of Body Vibes wellness claims

Have you heard of Body Vibes? Metaphysical and religious speculation aside of course. The words are somewhat counter to the prevalent drum beat of Trump Russia I know but I found Body Vibes website and their wellness products after a blurb on Gwen Paltrow over at CNN. Then the “REAL scandal” broke around 8:30 p.m.… Continue reading Socialist Realism: Examining the corpus of Body Vibes wellness claims


Flashback 2015: Apothecanna’s THC infused Spa products

Where there's smoke there is fire and the cannabis cloud over Colorado appears to be lingering like smog on a otherwise clear day. Cannabis proponent Apothecanna has positioned itself beyond the pale, as an adjunct measure in pain management and only time will tell if they can remain straight enough to keep their wellness branding intact. I wrote… Continue reading Flashback 2015: Apothecanna’s THC infused Spa products

Academia, Articles, Criticism, Education, Employment, Health and Wellness, Massage, Massage Education, News, Professional Development, Professional Development for Massage Therapists, Professional Development for Spa Therapists, Professionalism, Spa Evidence, sturm and drang, Wellness

Licensure and Portability: NCB and ITEC UK team up to create international massage credential

The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork announced on March 14th, 2015 that they have partnered with ITEC, a British education company specializing in international credentialing. The goal is to facilitate 'portability' and 'standardization' for the massage profession. This partnership is similar to ISPA's Spa Certifications that have been available to members and non… Continue reading Licensure and Portability: NCB and ITEC UK team up to create international massage credential

Academia, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Art, Axiology, Body Image, Collectivism, Criticism, Critique, Deconstruction, Education, Eugenics, gender, Health and Healing, Health and Wellness, Hypocrisy, Individualism, Inspiration, Language, Literature, Logical Fallacies, Massage, Massage Education, Modernism, News, Paradigm Shift, Partisan Politics, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Postmodernism, Professional Development, Professional Development for Massage Therapists, Professional Development for Spa Therapists, Professionalism, Psychology, Semiotics, Spa, Spa Evidence, Style, Syncretism, Wellness

Announcing Fruits, Nuts and Flakes: Massage and Bodywork Edition

Announcing Fruits, Nuts and Flakes: Massage and Bodywork Edition I have launched a kickstarter project to promote what I hope will be a welcome edition to massage publishing and education. I plan on it appealing to friends and foes of complimentary and alternative medicine and education, science and modernism. Please share your thoughts! I hope… Continue reading Announcing Fruits, Nuts and Flakes: Massage and Bodywork Edition

Academia, Aesthetics, Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Anti-intellectualism, Asian Medicine, Axiology, Collectivism, Conspiracy Theory, Criticism, Critique, Education, Employment, Esthetics, Eugenics, Existentialism, gender, Individualism, Language, Massage, Massage Education, Philosophy, Postmodernism, Professional Development, Professional Development for Massage Therapists, Professional Development for Spa Therapists, Professionalism, Richard Hofstadter, Semiotics, Spa, Wellness, Wholism

Absolute Values? Professionalism and manifestations of the individual

This is the first post of a four part series on professional development. The series will utilize the terms Massage Therapist, Masseur and Masseuse as a touchstone. Massage Therapy is a growing field of professional endeavor. As the last fifteen years have demonstrated, the creation of civic, secular infrastructure to consolidate and incorporate the profession,… Continue reading Absolute Values? Professionalism and manifestations of the individual

Applying Essential Oils, Articles, Body Care, Education, Essential Oils, Health and Wellness, How essential oils work, Legislation

Open Letter to doTerra and Young Living Corporate Offices: FDA warning letter is a challenge and an opportunity

  Last year, the FDA issued a warning letter to both Do Terra and Young Living Essential Oils CEO's about the activities of their distributor networks. The letter to Young Living states in part: "You market your Young Living Essential Oil products through paid consultants; your compensation plan for your consultants is explained on your… Continue reading Open Letter to doTerra and Young Living Corporate Offices: FDA warning letter is a challenge and an opportunity


Survey Says?

Both The Telegraph and The Guardian have cited a sketchy survey about the hygienic habits of UK women ages 18-50. Here’s my question: Is the old trope about “Euro Trash” being recycled or is the study actually honest? Not only does the study seem to be of dubious design, it only surveyed women’s habits. God forbid an Englishman be… Continue reading Survey Says?

Articles, Education, Energy, Energy Medicine, Health and Wellness, Massage Education, Psychology, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars

NCB and FSMTB: The Muddy Water Remains?

I recently saw this article posted about a meeting of the minds between the NCB and the FSMTB. Meanwhile, comments continue to arise from various quarters across the country and abroad about what has been described as a lack of clarity. The following statement from the NCB illustrates the lack of clarity I have heard expressed:… Continue reading NCB and FSMTB: The Muddy Water Remains?


Working in Green Hills

I wanted to show a few pictures of my new job. I know some of my friends have been concerned about my wellbeing in the current situation and that my haters would be thrilled to have fodder for unfounded gossip. Here you go! You will no doubt note that I am fabulous as always. Here… Continue reading Working in Green Hills