
Historiography and the limits of naturalism: Thoughts on privacy, propaganda and free speech

I do feel secure in presuming that I'm not the only American who didn't vote in 2016. I also feel no guilt watching President Trump on TV, reading his Tweets, listening to his "alternative facts," or learning more about how his decisions and actions ruffle and offend my fellow human beings at home and abroad.… Continue reading Historiography and the limits of naturalism: Thoughts on privacy, propaganda and free speech


Oh poor little addicts and more abuses of science in the name of Nietzsche

This is the flip side of the same pop culture paradigm that conflates recovery from narcissistic abuse with biological paradigms about addiction. This abuse purports to make the theory sound scientific while attacking the social sciences, culture,  alternative medicine and liberal arts as baseless. Only STEM disciplines matter. That this is part of aesthetics via… Continue reading Oh poor little addicts and more abuses of science in the name of Nietzsche

Articles, Education, Health and Wellness, Massage, Musings, Philosophy, Politics, Rambliings, Religious Culture Wars, Secular Culture Wars, Uncategorized

Criticizing the book Culture of Narcissism and the Narcissism Abuse Support Groups and Spiritual Advisors

I had what can only be described as an 'incident' happen in the last two to three weeks. To be honest, what I realized was something very simple, that may not be a shocker for many people. For me it was an "Ah Ha" moment. However what occurred revealed larger issues and I think it… Continue reading Criticizing the book Culture of Narcissism and the Narcissism Abuse Support Groups and Spiritual Advisors

Musings, Rambliings, Uncategorized

Victorian straight jackets and the grief process

I've been giving some thought to the idea that there is a right or wrong way to grieve. We often think of grief, like any trauma as something to be bourne, making comments about having a stiff upper lip, or being proud of someone that they didn't break down in public. Obviously, for me to… Continue reading Victorian straight jackets and the grief process

Drama, Musings, Rambliings, Uncategorized


I was reading Freshly Pressed just a moment ago and came across this gem of wisdom from the post On the transgressive and provocative nature of Cards against Humanity: "the excitement of the game comes from the “the frisson of being deliberately provocative and transgressive.”  But experiencing frisson from deliberately doing something provocative only highlights… Continue reading Insight


His ‘finacee’ or as I have called her, the “Pity Fuck”

Lest anyone reading my accounting of this relationship think I have not gotten in a well timed blow or jab or two of my own, I am now going to account for my digs taken at his fiancée's expense.He last called me Jealous and I will state here for the record "Jealous of What?"  Jealous… Continue reading His ‘finacee’ or as I have called her, the “Pity Fuck”

Articles, Drama, Health and Wellness, Musings, Rambliings, Uncategorized

Emotional Healing

So I saw my therapist today and we were attempting to chart a course for my grief work since it's obviously been causing a problem when the relationship ended the second time in August. Blogging is part of that. I am going to have to make a conscious effort to grieve this loss. The way… Continue reading Emotional Healing

Articles, Drama, Health and Wellness, Musings, Rambliings, Uncategorized

Utterly Devestated and Totally Numb

The relationship has been over for months. At least six. But the drama wore on. It began when we split up the first time last January. He is a recovered addict and at the time, was over worked by the rehab he worked for. He was doing payroll, HR, some grants, all kinds of things.… Continue reading Utterly Devestated and Totally Numb